Students enrolled in the Master’s Degree course in Business Administration need to do a compulsory Curricular Internship. The internship corresponds to 450 hours (18 ECTS).
It can be done with full time (about 12 weeks) or part time engagement.
The curricular internship is an "on-the-job" experience that, even before graduation, allows you to get closer to the world of work.
Please note that students can do just one curricular internship during their Master’s Degree.
Curricular internship must be held on site. It is always foreseen to activate blended internships, but it is not allowed to do more then the 50% of the activities remotely (therefore full remote internships are not allowed).
The curricular internship is usually planned for the 2nd term of the 2nd year, in order not to overlap with course attendance. Anyway, in case a student would like to do the internship from the end of the 1st year (e.g. in the summer), this is possible upon authorisation obtained from the Business Administration coordination office.
Students wishing to do their internship abroad can participate to specific call for applications (such as the Erasmus+ Traineeship call for applications, CRUI Foundation calls etc.).
Curricular internship open positions by companies/bodies are continuously update in the Moodle Area “Internship Master Course Business Administration”.
Recognition of working activities or other internships: in case you are working regularly, or you are doing an internship at a professional firm or an internship activated by a sponsoring institution other than UniTO (e.g. Job Center), with activities coherent with Business Administration master course, you can apply for recognition to acquire CFUs from the curricular internship included in your career plan. Write to
Extra-curricular internships can be also activated by the Job placement for students who have graduated no more than one year earlier before the activation. The extracurricular internship can last up to 6 months and foresee a minimum payment of 600 eur/month. An extracurricular internship follow the relative regional regulations. In particular, for internships carried out in the Piedmont region, please refer to the Piedmont Region website.
Students are encouraged to read the following documents:
- the Regolamento Tirocini Curriculari - SME (in italian)
- the Regulation of Curricular internships - SME (in english - Courtesy translation)
- the Rules and Regulations of the Degree Course
Dott.ssa Emanuela Ovcin
Tel. 011-6399313
Appointment only
- The internship is planned for the II semester of the II year.
During your II year, the job placement office in SAA will support you through a matching and coaching programme which will help you finding a company, in Italy or abroad, in line with your profile and ambitions. - The internship can be done during the summer of your I year, but in this case you would have to independently find the company and you would miss the chance of making use of the support services of the Job placement. If you have already found a host company for your internship get in contact with the Job placement Manager.
- In any case, you cannot start your work experience before the internship has been activated by the job placement office (the procedure can take up to 2 weeks). If you fail to have your documents signed by the job placement office your internship cannot be recognized.
18CFU = 450 hours, for a full-time (36/40 hours per week)
You can do the internship in Italy or abroad, you will be supported by 2 different job placement offices.
If you want to do your internship abroad and you can apply to the Erasmus + Traineeship programme.
Internships might be unpaid, but the University will cover your work-insurance expenses.
If you are a foreign student and you prefer to do your internship in Italy, please note that your Italian level should be at least B2.
Before you begin your traineeship, the University of Turin and the host company need to sign an Agreement (Convenzione di stage) and the Educational Internship Project , which lists the rights and duties of the parts, the training objectives and which defines the type and duration of the internship.
At the end of the curricular internship
1) You should fill in the online final evaluation form – log in into MyUnito -Tutti i servizi on line- Valuta il tirocinio.
2) the following documents should be submitted to the Job Placement Office:
- Registro Presenze/Signed attendance register;
- Scheda valutazione Finale Tutor Aziendale (the final evaluation form of the Company tutor, signed and stamped).
3) you should enroll to the “appello” in order to register your internship, following the instructions available at the page How to register on your “libretto” the ECTS related to the Internship
If you have a regular employment, if you are doing an apprenticeship or an internship activated by a sponsoring institution (e.g. Employment centre, Job agencies etc.) you can obtain the recognition of the internship ECTS by following the procedure described below.
It is not necessary to activate a curricular internship and the host company should not stipulate an agreement, nor register on UniTo portal (
The minimum duration of the contract corresponds to 450 hours.
Only in-progress activities will be evaluated. The documents should be sent to and to the company or comany tutor address.
Step 1: At the beginning of the recognition period students should send:
- Credit recognition request (mod. A1 or B1)
- Certificate of employment (attestato di servizio) on the company letterhead with company stamp and signature, which clearly specifies the working period and hours, the type of employment contract (fixed-term, permanent, project-based contract etc.), and duties performed. An example of the letter text is available (see mod. A2).
In case of internship organised by a sponsoring institution students should send the training project (progetto formativo), signed by the sponsoring institution, company, and trainee.
Step 2: At the end of the recognition period students should send:
- Final evaluation form, with the company stamp and signed by the tutor (mod. A3)
- Certification of attendance, copied on the company letterhead, signed and stamped by the company (mod. A4)
- fill in the FORM in order to describe the main activities performed, what you have learnt and an assessment of the coherence of the activities with the knowledge acquired during the Degree course
Students should not book the exam since the credits recognition request has to be evaluated by Students Affairs Committee.
>>Recognition of working activity
>>Recognition of internship organised by a sponsoring institution