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MBA 20-21 (SAA/Dept. of Management) Beginning of the pre-courses 7/09

Published: Friday, September 4, 2020

Dear Students,

whether you still have to enroll for the Business Administration Master’s Degree or are already enrolled, you are invited to attend the introductory courses that will start on Monday 7/09 according to the following calendar:

- Statistics: 7/09 - 12/09 (with the exception of 11/09)
- Accounting: 14/09 - 18/09
- Macroeconomics: 21/09 - 25/09
- Corporate Finance: 10/11 - 11/11
- Banking: 12/11 - 13/11

Please note that you can attend these courses also if you are not enrolled yet, if you still need to sit the assessment test (September 11th) or the L-test (September 10th).

The introductory courses aim at aligning all students' preparation as they may come from different academic backgrounds. These introductory courses are, in fact, a prerequisite for the official courses and your attendance is required to standardize the level of preparation of the class as much as possible so that the official classroom activities can be carried out in the best possible way.

The lectures are exclusively online, they are pre-recorded and accessible to students asynchronously on Moodle. At the end of each course you will be asked to take a mandatory final quiz.The quizzes will not affect your admission to the Master’s Degree in Business Administration, but you will have to pass them before being allowed to take the official exams.

Students who still hold a UniTO account will be able to use their own UniTO credentials to access Moodle, while for the other prospective students a temporary account will be created and instructions will be provided as soon as possible.

Last update: 07/09/2020 09:14
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