1st year students | Welcome information 24-25 ay
We are glad to extend our warmest welcome to the Master's Degree in Business Administration program at University of Turin. As you prepare to join us for the 2024-2025 academic year, we want to share below a few important details to keep in mind:
- Lectures: Classes will be held in SAA School of Management (Via Ventimiglia 115) starting from Tuesday, September 24th at 9,30 am in classroom 11, corridor B. Please check the timetable at this page.
Introductory Courses: We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the online introductory courses on Moodle that cover the following topics: ACCOUNTING, STATISTICS, ECONOMICS, BANKING and CORPORATE FINANCE. These introductory courses aim at aligning all students' preparation as you may come from different academic backgrounds. Lectures are recorded and accessible to Unito students asynchronously on Moodle (e-learning platform) starting from the next weeks. To access Moodle you will be asked to login into with your myunito credentials (select UTENTI dell’Ateneo) and then subscribe to each course of the section through the button ISCRIVIMI (Enrol).
Welcome Meeting: Beside classes, a welcome meeting, during which we will introduce you to the program, will be organized. This represents a great opportunity to connect with your fellow students and the coordination staff. Further details will follow in early September.
Learning Material: The learning material (slides and case studies) is uploaded by the Professors and made available on the e-learning platform of the University, Moodle, that is also a useful tool that allows the professors to communicate with the students.
To access this platform you will be asked to login into with your myunito credentials (select UTENTI dell’Ateneo) and then subscribe to each course of the year through the button ISCRIVIMI (Enrol). E-books are distributed by the Students’ Office that will provide the main instructions online or by email. -
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Regular attendance will also help you build relationships and make the most of your classroom interactions.
Exams: Exam registration is mandatory. For further infomation we recommend that you visit the dedicated page of the degree program.
Tutorials: Our teaching assistants will offer group tutorials to support your studies and enhance your understanding of course material. They can be central to supporting your study as you will develop a better understanding of topics and integrate ideas from your reading and lectures. Information on the tutorials schedule will be available at the same link of the timetable.
Official Unito Email Account: As a student of the University of Turin you obtain an institutional email account (usually name.surname@edu.
unito.it) that has to be used for all official communications with the UniTO staff (professors, offices, etc…). We highly recommend that you become familiar with it. - International students: for any doubts concerning VISA, residence permit and any documents about your admission process to the University of Turin please refer to: internationalstudents@unito.it
We wish you a pleasant beginning and look forward to meeting you in person soon!